Vintage dolci

How it started. Vintage Dolci was created from my love of vintage recipe boxes, cookbooks, vintage photos, kitchens & cooking, an unapologetic obsession with sugar, and my interest in history & genealogy. I loved the idea of bringing someone’s lost family recipes to life. I also really like to eat dessert, so it seemed like a win-win.

I chose the Italian word dolci because it means something sweet or desserts. It reminded me of family histories and the way we share recipes from generation to generation. Plus, words in Italian seem to sound better for some reason.

I created the website when I was working in finance and needed a creative outlet. It’s grown. I’ve rescued in about a million more recipe boxes since that time. Started and stopped the website three times. Gotten sidetracked by life.

Where it’s going. Forgive me for the nonchalance, but I’m simply not sure. It will be what it will be. I’m still sidetracked by life like we all are! I will always love to bake and eat fruit pie for breakfast. I love getting distracted by these sometimes-wonky old recipes where Jello was the medium of choice for all ingredients. Or where someone’s best cookie recipes was shared in 1925. The stories are cool. The recipes are fun. With luck it will simply continue to grow into a little time capsule of delicious history.